
My work has many layers.  Electrifying colors, abstract shapes, layers of paints, papers and textures. Layers of my dreams and passions, of love, of motherhood and the community that has supported me. First I create the patterns and make mono-prints. Then I cut them up and collage them together in different ways. I reuse, paint, print on and find new life in every bit of paper, and almost anything else I get my hands on. I like to bring things together that you wouldn’t immediately think fit but end up perfectly in sync.

I have spent my whole life creating. Making art is what makes me whole. It is my therapy, it is what feeds my soul. I find the beauty in everything. I see color in darkness. I find ways to creatively reuse things others toss away. With foundations in painting and sculpture, I create spirited forms with found materials. I utilize what is available to me in nontraditional ways. I went to art school for painting but ended up spending my time printmaking and playing with bronze while learning the lost wax technique. For many years I was a painter and any time that I wasn’t working you could find me in the studio. After a brief hiatus to help build our business and grow our family, we built the most beautiful studio in our backyard which has given me the opportunity to dive back into my work while I am home raising our son. We live in the breathtaking  Willamette Valley of Oregon, among the mountains, the trees, the ocean and about a million different shades of green. 

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